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This is our privacy policy, which tells you what personal data we collect, how we use it, how we protect it, whether it is disclosed and how you can access and rectify it.
When you place an order, we collect and sometimes store basic information such as your name, email and delivery address(es), a contact telephone number and your user name and password.
We may also receive and store certain information automatically from your computer, such as your IP address, browser type and other computer and connection information, the time that you logged on and off our website and what items you searched for or viewed.
As with many websites, we use cookies to enhance your shopping experience. We need to use certain cookies to identify you on our website and allow you to use the basket facility and to place orders. We also use a cookie to identify you the next time you visit, which assists us greatly in providing you with a superior service. If you would prefer, however, you can refuse to accept this type of cookie or delete them following your visit to our website; please see the help section of your browser.
We use the personal data you provide to process your order, and to contact you if there are any problems. We may use your information for market research or customer profiling and to display certain content on the website, such as your favourite items or new products that we think may be of interest to you.
We use secure server software to encrypt all the data you send to us to minimise the risk that the information you send is intercepted before it reaches us and have strict security measures to protect the information that we store from any unauthorised access. All your payment card details are also encrypted using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). We do not store your payment card details.
Payment card details are sent straight to our banking partners and are not received by us. We will not share your information with any third parties. We may disclose your personal data when reasonably necessary to comply with any applicable laws, regulations or codes of conduct or when required to do so by any competent authority or to protect our rights of those of our customers.
Your use of our website signifies your consent to our collecting and handling of your personal data. It is important that you protect your data and to minimise the risk of any unauthorised access to your account with us: please be sure to log off when you finish using a shared computer.
You may contact us at any time if you are unsure about any of the information we have Contact Us Here.
For more information, please visit the website of the UK Information Commissioner: Click Here.
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